Aware of our responsibilities towards the environment and society, believing in continuous development and sustaining our activities with the belief of sustainable environment and ensuring its continuity,
To prefer environmentally friendly (saving) products in our products with energy consumption by increasing the efficiency of electricity, water and natural gas in our company by following the developing technology in accordance with our environmental goals,
To ensure that our employees are informed, conscious and motivated about the environment by organizing the necessary trainings to increase environmental awareness,
To use energy and natural resources at the optimum level and to implement activities to prevent unnecessary resource use,
In order to make our natural resources sustainable, we regularly monitor our water and electricity consumption and take protective measures to prevent excessive consumption,
To provide training to our personnel on the necessity of using chemicals sufficiently to prevent excessive chemical consumption,
To minimize waste generation, reuse, recycling, recovery and disposal by reducing pollution at the source with sustainable waste management,
To continuously develop and improve sustainability practices by reviewing all stages of our activities,